

RBV130 Battery Backpack

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1.800.773.7963 or 412.373.2662

Dial Duo Dispenser & Soap Program

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More Than a “Middle Man”

At Erzen Associates, we help customers in the commercial, education, healthcare and industrial sectors keep their facilities clean and safe. Besides distributing a wide range of cleaning products, we work closely with customers, any time of day or night, to make sure they’re getting the most from the products and equipment we sell them.

We work best with companies and organizations that care deeply about:

  • Promoting the well-being of their employees, and everyone who enters their facilities
  • Creating an indoor environment that helps to maximize employee & student productivity
  • Educating all employees & students about the best ways to keep the premises clean, including protecting facilities and fixtures from damage, eliminating offensive odors and sticky residues, and simplifying inventory to reduce inventory costs
  • Training custodial staff to work most efficiently
  • Using sanitizers and cleaners that contain mostly of natural ingredients
  • Protecting the health of our planet

To make sure that you’re completely satisfied with Erzen, take advantage of our no-obligation trial in one of your buildings and experience first-hand the safety of our products, and the effective way in which we work with your cleaning professionals.